Basically the app drips a story to you a line of narrative at a time, with the off picture thrown in. YOu get so many lines for free and then wait an hour for more. Cliff hangers encourage you to sign up for a weekly, monthly or annual subscription.
Reviews talk about 'Lackluster text-message stories feature lots of violence' and 'adult themes'. While Apple have rated it for age 9+, one comments says 'The rating is way off: I have a 12-year-old, and I would never let her use this app. Following the screenshots below, first, you select from story genres. Titles within a genre vary, but almost every story includes a thread of sex (gay (lesbian) themes are prevalent), violence, drug use, and horror.
Once you select a story, you then click “next” to reveal a story, chat by chat. It’s fascinating (and sobering) that even the young people writing these chat stories know what sells (remember, ATTENTION is the new currency of the web)'.
What do you think?
Anything that gets kids hooked on reading has to be good, doesn't it? Or does it?