I could write pages and pages about the back story to the amazing Decoding intervention that I helped ReadingWise launch in the UK three years ago and am still a Community Consultant for  to compliment my other work in creativity and education.

Most importantly, it makes a real difference to struggling readers and how it empowers Teaching Assistants and other staff members.

But why no just watch this film I made that tells you the story, shows you the system in use and includes some feedback from schools that are using it.


Via over 2,000 rapid fire lessons in 18 chapters, learners progress for basics to advanced decoding, building confidence as they go. Initial benchmark reading age data ensures that learners start at the right place in the course, and it's personalised from there to completion.

  • Impact -  has been shown to raise reading age by 9 months after just 20 hours use. The case study below shows a school seeing 18 months increases,

  • Empowers - after just an hour of CPD that I can deliver, TA's are able to support struggling readers' use of the intervention in 20 minute sessions 3, 4 or 5 times a week.

  • Reach - groups of ten learners can use the system at a time so it's much more effective than 1:1 interventions

Case studIES

Watch these three case studies of the system in use in two primary and a secondary school setting.

Calmore Junior School

How a Teaching Assistant is helping struggling readers raise their reading age by as much as 2 years.

Horfield C of E Primary

Three intervention groups a day, with some children so keen, they come in early in the monring before lessons.

St Ambrose Barlow Secondary

How this secondary is closing the gap between primary and secondary for transition pupils,


Would like to try ReadingWise in your school, to jump start your struggling readers and empower your colleagues?

It's easy:

1: Sign up - get in touch on the form at the bottom of the page here

2: Training - a one hour training session in using the system for your team. I can do this online or may be able to visit you.

3: Free trial - I will then set you up for a free two week trial for ten learners in your school.

I look forward to hearing from you and working with you, alongside my ReadingWise colleagues.

[ReadingWise and these Decoding and Comprehension interventions are © IdeasWise Ltd 2016 - used with permission]