An 80:20 training session, where you get 80% of what you need to know in 20% of the time most training sessions take. You'll either live without the other 20% or at least know the questions to ask and where to get answers. 

An hour long, perfect for lunchtime brain food sessions.

Title: Dirty PowerPoint

Because: PowerPoint shouldn't be a dirty word, even though what most people usually do with it is pretty filthy.

Background: "Death by PowerPoint" is an accepted phrase whereever PowerPoint is used, whether in business or education, but it doesn't have to be like this. Most people have had next to no training in using its features or communicating effectively with it.

Who: all audiences from beginners to people who thought they knew it all, will get a lot out of this session. And certainly enjoy it.


  • A roller coaster overview of most of the key features you need to know in PowerPoint to do most of what you'll ever need to do. Form the basics to advanced 'so that's how you do it' time-saving features.

  • A look at a novel doc:deck approach using PowerPoint that efficiently creates fit for purpose speaker support and leave behinds. No more death by PowerPoint or meaningless leave behinds.

  • Rapid fire techniques for using PowerPoint to create engaging sequences to sell creative and strategic concepts with great effect.

Includes: Delegates will get summary notes, links and further references as well as access to a short refresher video.

Why me, Nick Corston: With years experience working in both marketing agencies and using PowerPoint and having created presentations for Microsoft's corporate events in the UK, I'm pretty uniquely placed to give this session. My work for Sony's launch of PlayStation 2 at E3 in Los Angeles was credited in trade press reviews of the event. 

I have delivered this session in various companies and agencies over the years and it has proved very popular with junior and senior staff alike, who all took something away.